
Where do you get your peace? Is it from the arts with its beauty of diversity, science with its clear cut laws or from faith with the idea that there is something out there larger than what we see? Whichever area it is, as long as you draw from it inspiration and solace, let it keep feeding you with wonder.

Before our modern distinctions between the three fields which I humorously like to refer to as the three daughters of knowledge, they were taught as one. People would order their lives on what the spiritual leaders foretold about the coming seasons and these activities would be depicted through the communities’ artwork, music or festivals. They were described as the mysteries of the world and these secrets were passed down to select members of the community. 

So it’s not a surprise that depending on an artist’s field of influence their music would be colored by either scientific, prehistoric or faith based ideas. One would infuse cosmological terms in their lyrics; others would remind you of Mozart, Michelangelo or Picasso, another like Tupac would reflect on resurrection, reincarnation or a vision of the urban Madonna in songs like Dear Mama.

When I was young, there was one particular song that really sparked my attention when it comes to marrying ideas from various fields, and that was Michael Jackson’s Earth Song. In one of the lyrics he sings “Did you ever stop to notice This crying earth, these weeping shores”. Here he equates the earth to a living conscious entity invoking notions of pantheism. In addition there are philosophical humanistic questions being brought forth with questions like “What about the killing fields”. Moreover scientifically, Michael is also stating the importance of environmental conservation for sustainable living. Notice also the vivid use of imagery for the song's video.

This one song is laced with poignant ideas, perspectives and critiques that you can spend a whole chapter dissecting the various themes and questions posed. There is science interwoven with faith wrapped in art; a fitting example for this post’s three daughters represented in one art form.

Just like Michael, I like to get my inspiration from other artists, science or faith. Sometimes I mix them all up in one song. Science has always intrigued me since I was young I just love the way it explains why things are and its inquisitive nature. Right now I’m on a quantum physics binge, specifically quantum mechanics, even though the highest grade I ever got in high school physics was a D+ (don’t laugh). Funny thing now is I understand most of the complex concepts in the discipline, it’s just the math I can’t hack (insert evil scientist’s laugh).

Faith likewise plays a big part in my life, where science says’ I don’t know’ faith helps me fill in the blanks by saying maybe it’s this or that. 

I’m not a big fun of religion but I respect that people are entitled to their own perspectives when it comes to trying to explain what they believe in. I personally have no problem relying on both science and faith, and I find it sometimes odd when people chose one over the other when (like I said earlier) they are sisters of each other.

When it comes to art, that’s my heart and soul, I breathe it, sleep it and wake up to it. From music, to just googling random pictures on the net to actually producing songs and writing poems, ehm! well that’s the reason you’re here reading this post as we speak, ain't it! (haha)

Finally, lets rewind the clock back a thousand or so centuries ago to a time when music and stories were used to explain how man first appeared on earth or how the planets, the stars and the universe were made. Then we can clearly see that in the beginning there were no boundaries or distinctions on what we could weave together to express our thoughts or explain what was around us. Because these fields we now call science, art or religion are but mere tools we use to help us navigate our world. And like Michael Jackson, make songs about the earth!
