Figure Popular, Center of Attraction

I think I’m a bit of a narcissist, haha! Wait, let me explain. If you’re familiar with the story behind it then at the end of this post it will all make sense. The term narcissism originated from Greek mythology where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water. Ergo, in short narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from the self and its attributes. Well, with all the love yourself mantra going around these days, who wouldn’t run the risk of being a little narcissistic.

If fame was a drug then narcissism would be the disease that follows its abuse, but tell me you don’t (to some extent) want to be famous and the center of attraction. 

Some say that narcissists make the best artists with their charisma and ability to charm their audience to their whims. You step on stage with the idea that you’re the best thing since margarine and French toast that it naturally exudes from your performance. You kill it, I mean you literary pull off a historic performance, then go back home still thinking you’re the best to ever do it. Now if that’s not being a little narcissistic then I don’t know haha. 

Personally, sometimes I come from a recording session and hear myself playing back on the speakers and I’m blown away with how I sound. I might just be sitting there staring quietly, but inside I’m like ‘cot damn! Defmatic, you are the greatest of all time’. 

As a rapper we call this a healthy layer of self love and confidence, but where do you draw the line from narcissism. Because, presenting self as better than others, feeling entitled, exploiting opportunities (even to the detriment of others) are all qualities successful artists are supposed to have or exude.  

I don’t think there is any artist in the world who inside doesn’t want to be popular, as with popularity comes more attention, more gigs, fans, and naturally better pay. Whether a little bit of narcissism is good for you or not is still up for debate. Sadly, it has become part of our culture with social media, reality television and the emphasis on individualism subconsciously enticing us to display our distinctiveness and uniqueness more than ever.

(Photo courtesy of John W. Kelley)
