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courtesy of twitter @3DBystander |
Have you heard of the great mother, no not Cybele, but mother Zuudikius represented in one aspect as the black Madonna and her son; the widow’s son (Hiram Abiff), who has known no man.
If you look closely, this motif has been symbolized extensively in media and manifests in communities undergoing strife and attack by forces that recognize the positive influence of a stable healthy family. In which we may witness on one side the missing, estranged or distant father, whether emotionally, physically or psychologically, and on the other side the mother and child.
The best example of this theme can be found in the popular Marvel Black Panther movie’s character T’challa who has to take up the mantle of protecting his people after his father’s untimely demise, turning him into Hiram Abiff, the widow’s son and also Horus in mythology.
So who is mother Zuudikius? She is the blueprint of the universe, the zodiac with the sun at her center that embodies the twelve principles that reside in all of us. Clearly you can tell I’ve been watching a lot of C. Freeman El on YouTube haha, but I want to give you my own interpretation of the divine mother and tie it in with the widow’s son/sun.
Ever wondered why twelve is such a prominent number in various scriptures. Well, besides it alluding to the great mother, within it rests a philosophical concept that defines man’s nature. Twelve in mathematics is three fours or four threes, depending on how you want to look at it (4x3). Note how the modern zodiac has twelve signs, further divided as three signs of four elements (Fire, Air, Water, Earth).Four represent the square, our third dimension of up down left right, north south, east west, the seasons etc, multiplied by two is 8 which looks a lot like an hour glass and represents time. Three represents the universe, the cyclical nature of life (360°) the trinity, parts of an atom etc.
“Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man … " or a carbon based life form, thus 6 is the number of man and three by three is nine which represents the end of a cycle. “He makes you in the wombs of your mothers in stages, one after another, in three veils of darkness...” Sura 39:6
In other eastern zodiacs we have a hidden thirteenth sign called Ophiuchus the snake bearer. The snake here can represent the chakras/kundalini along the spinal system. Four plus three equals seven, seven is saba in Swahili, septem in Latin, and symbolically resembles a scepter and a serpent ready to strike (7).
The Ophiuchus sign is said to be hidden behind the sun. If you reach back and trace your hands up your spine you will be tracing up the mysterious snake behind you that enables you (like a snake ready to strike) stand upright!
Then, let’s say Sophia and mother Zuudikius are one, in the sense that when you grasp the knowledge of the heavens and understand or overstand the meaning of “As above so below, as within so with’ out” then wisdom becomes your beginning, your conception, your source, your mother, the realization of your divine oneness in a temporal vessel, body, boat, temple, tower etc.
If you are a product of Wisdom then, you are her son, her sun, her star, with her having no husband to her name, a widow’s sun or as Freeman El often says ‘you are Ma’s son’ a mason, crafting your own soul with each decision you make and knowledge you choose to consume. Your body is your temple and you are the master mason, the king, your vices the ruffians.
You don’t have to necessarily join a fraternity to discover the hidden mysteries that lie within, mysteries that will set you free from ignorance if you choose the path to overstand self. Simply put, you are all the houses/signs and the hidden sun, in one!
A whole being, having twelve parts, the twelve signs of the zodiac, the twelve sons of Jacob who become the twelve sons of IsRaEl, who become the twelve disciples of Christ, who become the twelve apostles... it's the becoming of G.O.D viewed from an astrological vantage point (Bro, C. Freeman El).
I will end this with a provocative line from Dexter of Dexter’s Laboratory, season 2 episode23, where after being bitten by a clown's dentures and turning into a mad clown nightly causing chaos, jokes:
"Why is 6 afraid of 7?"
"Because 7 8 9!"
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