Forensic DNA

A quarter past one, I'm masked up behind some bushes/ another joint to get done, seen the whip dude pushes/ who knew this cat had mad dough/ broke in the door, nobodies supposed to be home, so why he left his wife  alone/ just wanna rob, eat whatever's in the fridge and get gone/ she makes the mistake of waking up, gats gon blow/ creeping in the kitchen/ passed a pile of dirty dishes/ had fries, left over rice I'm licking off a plate/ starved for days/ my face shows pain/ partly insane/ hear footsteps upstairs/ a voice asking 'Is anybody there?'/ could this be the fortieth day/ had a feeling I might come out killing/ life imprisonment if I pull the gun out and squeeze it/ gloves on to burn all evidence/ no guilty verdict settlements/ she's coming down with a baseball bat/ wheres the basement? nah! ama sneak and tie her up/ she swung and missed/ felt a clinched fist/ got hit/ unconscious/ took her upstairs to assault her/ woke up in the middle to feel a monster, in my reckoning/ pulled a desert E, let it exhale her last breath/ that's when I signed my soul to hell/ if you 85% that's the time I fell/ ask a 5% question, you aint wise pretend/ cleared all traces/ so why am I in-front of jury faces/ arraigned in court, prosecutor said they found my DNA on the dead wife's corpse/ prolly get 10 to life tops/ debating/ final statements/ death by lethal injection/ got my middle fingers up screaming fuck the world I'm taken/

(Disclaimer: The above verse is a work of fiction and is not meant to be a resemblance of any actual events)
