Be More, Do More

Are we that afraid of our own potential that we cower in mediocrity? Are we so accustomed to doing what is enough over what is destined?

In my few years on this planet listening and watching people, as much as myself, wade through the normal routines of life, I’ve always wondered why we do what we do. Is there more to this thing we call life or is this all that there is to it; eat, sleep, procreate, die and repeat. Or are we simply too scared to stare into our own existence for the answer to a burning question that lingers behind everyone’s mind. 

For the few who do turn inward, a painful truth resonates back onto their faces, that all that we accumulate, the accolades that we attain and the people we know soon bare no weight at the edge of our demise.

It then becomes evident that our lives are not ours alone, but a brief moment in time lent to us for the benefit of the whole entire human race. That an individual’s person is a part of a macrocosm that is not only responsible for its own advancements but that of his fellow human beings and the planet as a whole.

Our fight is with all that keeps us from growth, the ills that we simply brush under the carpet out of glaring eyes. Corruption, injustice, prejudices, and intolerance as oxymoronic as it may sound; these are the vices we must not tolerate for our own sake. We fight in wars over ideological differences, resources and beliefs to maintain our man made divisions but never once ask ourselves why and for whose advancement?  

Our fight is not with our fellow man but ourselves, therefore, we must rise to the challenge to be more and do more for our own sake and the benefit of mankind.

