DefNes - Now

If by now (pun intended) you haven't watched our official music video then you’re late, but don’t worry I got you. Watch it right below while I let you in on how the track transpired.

Now the whole idea of the song came as a well calculated accident (humor me, I love oxymorons).  I had the chorus in mind and beat-boxed how the instrumentation was to go but had no idea what the chorus would sound like. So I did the smartest thing I knew I could (yes, this is a normal preoccupation for me), I called up an ill fellow emcee, well ‘femcee’ to kick off the mood of the song. I knew she’d bring in that new school fresh sound to the record, and set the tempo. All that was left now was to close it with that vintage chilled out grown folk feel. 

Honestly, before I laid the final verse I had to trash three I had previously written.  I realized through this experience that even the simplest songs out there are sometimes not a hit out off the park with one try. You constantly have to restructure your bars to fit the beat's mood.

Funny thing is the original title for the song was supposed to be ‘DefNes Now’ then we decided to split it into two. DefNes would be us and the track would simple be ‘Now’, a perfect word that captures the essence of the song; we had finally arrived and were making a bold statement that the time is now!

Now (someone please count the number of times I’ve used this word seriously and mail me your results .. hehe) I have one final request for you as you watch our video and that is to subscribe to the channel, like and share the song with your awesome friends. 

Thank you for taking time to read this post.

